STX News

On a monthly basis, we send out our newsletter with current St Croix news and upcoming events. We try to give a glimpse into life on our incredible island and hope it entices you to come feel the sand between your toes.

Room to Run & Play: Buying a Home with Pets in Mind

Room to Run & Play: Buying a Home with Pets in Mind

From our May 2021 St Croix Newsletter Question: "I want to make sure the property I buy is close to where I can exercise my dog. Where can I take my dog to run and play?" Chris's Answer: As you consider all the varied aspects of your future island home, keep this in...

Pet Friendly Condos

Pet Friendly Condos

From our May 2021 St Croix Newsletter Question: "I’m interested in buying a condo on St. Croix, and I have a pet. Are there condos which will accept pets? How do I bring my pet to the island?" Christie's Answer: There are several condo complexes which will accept...

Keep Your Dog Cool in the Tropics

Keep Your Dog Cool in the Tropics

Are you traveling or moving to St. Croix or the Caribbean and wonder how your dog may fare in warm tropical climate? Rest assured, most dogs can adapt to the tropics. Even without air conditioning, your dog can be comfortable. Keeping your dog cool and recognizing...

Guide to Moving to St. Croix with Pets

Guide to Moving to St. Croix with Pets

When moving to St Croix with your pet(s), research ahead to help make the process of traveling and moving with animals easier. Jennie Ogden of recommends getting all your required documents in order and keep the comfort and safety of your pet in mind...

Buy and Eat at St. Croix’s Farmer’s Market

Buy and Eat at St. Croix’s Farmer’s Market

Agriculture has long been at the heart of St. Croix’s identity dating as far back as the 1600s. The fruitful bounties of food yielded from the Earth have steadily fed generations of families with an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables. This is why when the...

Empowering women through fashion, fitness, business & more

Empowering women through fashion, fitness, business & more

Introducing Khnuma Simmonds, a 3rd generation Crucian woman whose pride for her heritage runs deep. This woman of many hats has made her life’s work focused on women empowerment and is passionate about her island home, the people and the community as a whole. In 2011,...

Tarpon “Show” at Christiansted Boardwalk

Tarpon “Show” at Christiansted Boardwalk

Any visit to St. Croix will always result with a visit or two to the Christiansted Boardwalk. With mesmerizing views of turquoise waters and clear blue skies, it’s no wonder this location is a favorite of visitors and locals alike. One view that surprises many...

Where do I get a home building permit in St Croix?

Where do I get a home building permit in St Croix?

From our April 2021 St Croix Newsletter Question: "I’m thinking of building a home. Where would I get a building permit, and find other information about building on St. Croix?" Chris's Answer: The USVI has a Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) whose...

SEA’s Conservation Efforts

SEA’s Conservation Efforts

Promoting “the conservation of environmental resources” is a key element of St. Croix Environmental Association's (SEA) mission. Did you know that the unique habitats and natural resources of the Southgate Coastal Reserve and other SEA sites help provide a variety of...