What’s the Weather Like on St Croix?

What’s the Weather Like on St Croix?

Published on our February 2022 Newsletter

Question: What’s the weather like on St. Croix?

Chris’ Answer: St. Croix has moderate temperatures year ‘round. It doesn’t vary much more than 10 degrees from high to low on any given day. Currently, it’s between 72 – 82 degrees. As a holiday present to myself, I bought a weather station. We’ll be adding a weather page to our website in March and we’ll share the details with you next month. At any given time I can check the temperature, rainfall, wind speed and direction. As we watch the cold and snowy weather on TV, we realize that after 18 years in this moderate climate, we would be SO cold in the states! When the temperature dips into the low 70’s, we’re reaching for our light sweatshirts. We don’t even want to talk about what happens when it gets down into the high 60’s! Brrrrr!

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How do you ship things to St Croix?

How do you ship things to St Croix?

Published on our January 2022 Newsletter

Question: How do you ship things to St. Croix?

Chris’s answer: Of course, we have the US Postal Service, and mail costs the same as in the states. There are FedX and DHL offices here. For larger shipments, there are several shipping companies: Paradise Freight, Fleming’s Transport, VI Cargo, Bob Lynch Trucking and Shipping, and Ferrell Trucking.

There are some companies in the states which either won’t ship to St. Croix, or incorrectly consider St. Croix an international shipping destination. This means a higher shipping rate. Purchases from these vendors can be shipped to friends or relatives in the states, who can then ship your items here. It can increase the cost of shipping, but it’s much less expensive, and you can get the items you want.

#onstcroix #stcroixusvi #caribbean #ship #freight #remodeling #diy #moving #realtor #realestate #coldwellbanker #islandliving

What is the biggest surprise in remodeling?

What is the biggest surprise in remodeling?

Published on our January 2022 Newsletter

Question: We asked some of the people who bought homes with us what was their biggest surprise involved in remodeling? They were consistent in their answer

Christie’s answer: The biggest surprise was the time involved in getting items to the island. They had expected things to take longer than in the states, but it sometimes took much longer than they’d anticipated. One couple waited 6 months for the custom windows they ordered to reach here.

Not everything needs to be a special order. There are well-established local businesses where items can be purchased. There is a Home Depot on-island. There’s also Gallows Bay Hardware, Quality Electric, and smaller places which might have what you need, like LC Plumbing. And, there are several furniture stores and fun shops where you can pick up all kinds of decorative items. We like shopping locally. It supports our local economy.

#onstcroix #stcroixusvi #moving #remodeling #diy #caribbean #islandliving #realestate #realtor #coldwellbanker

Seasonal Drinks for the Holidays

Seasonal Drinks for the Holidays

Published on our December 2021 Newsletter

Question: What are some traditional holiday drinks?

Christie’s answer: This is the time of year for guavaberry. It’s the only time you see it. It’s so good that when they make guavaberry ice cream, people will stand in line until it’s all gone! Sorrel is used for making a bright red tea or jam. It has a strong tangy acidic flavor which goes well with holiday spices. And, of course, coquito. This is a traditional drink made by many Cruzans. Everyone has their own favorite recipe. Here is one from the Cruzan Foodie and one from The Novice Chef. There are usually coquito making contests. Each recipe contains coconut milk, rum, and cinnamon creating a coconut eggnog-like drink. 

#stcroix #usvi #holidays #virginislands #drinks #coquito #run #coconut #guavaberry #tradition #tropical

Seasonal Music for the Holidays

Seasonal Music for the Holidays

Published on our December 2021 Newsletter

Question: What is your favorite seasonal music ?

Chris’s Answer:

We are big fans of Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights! I recently bought one of their Christmas CDs at Riddims in downtown Christiansted to give to a friend, and decided to buy one for us, too. They put a Cruzan spin on Christmas carols, and I just can’t keep my feet still! If they don’t put the holiday spirit in you, you’re not paying attention!

Another favorite is Bill Bass. He plays amazing steel pan music which brings to my mind waving palm trees and lovely beaches.

We recommend adding these amazing musicians to your holiday streaming playlist. St. Croix’s renowned musical group Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights is on Spotify and Apple Music. Bill Bass is also on Spotify and Apple Music.

#holiday #music #stcroix #usvi #caribbean #drums #quelbe #virginislands

Common Real Estate Terms

Common Real Estate Terms

Published on our November 2021 Newsletter

Question: What are some common terms dealing with real estate?

Christie’s Answer: Whether buying or selling, understanding real estate terms can make the sometimes overwhelming or confusing process simpler. For example, here are some commonly used terms:

Market Value: what a buyer is willing to pay for a property. It’s influenced by comparable sales which is the “going rate” for nearby homes that share a lot of characteristics with your listing, as well as the appraised value from a professional appraiser. This can be different from the assessed value which is used to calculate and levy property taxes.

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA): an estimate of a home’s value based on recently sold, similar properties in the immediate area. Real estate agents and brokers create CMA reports to help sellers set listing prices for their homes and sometimes to help buyers make competitive offers. Although buyers and sellers can do their own research and analysis, it is important to have someone who has deep knowledge of the local market to help. 

For more frequently used terms, here is a wonderful article with a glossary of real estate terms which might be of assistance. If you have questions about buying or selling a home, contact us.

#realestate #realtor #homebuying #homeselling #stcroix #stcroixusvi #caribbean #coldwellbanker #marketvalue #homeappraisal