Published on our June 2023 Newsletter

Question: “What are zoning codes and what do the different codes mean?”

Christie’s Answer:

We get this question a lot from buyers and sellers! Zoning codes are a set of rules that regulate what can and can’t be done on a particular piece of property. There are four different types of land use zoning:

Functional zoning – residential, commercial, waterfront, administrative, industrial, and green space.

Intensity zoning – high density, average density, low density, no development.

Incentive zoning – rewards for development in defined areas.

Form based zoning – focuses on physical characteristics, defined as a form of urban identity.

Contact us with any questions about home buying on St. Croix. We have worked with many Buyers on and off the island to purchase their dream home on St. Croix. We can help you with every step of the process.