Mark your calendar! The St Croix Orchid Society is having their 50th Annual Orchid Show & Sale from March 25 through 27. The event was previously postponed and we are excited to see it coming back in late March. Christie has been growing orchids (photo above) in our home and she is really looking forward to this event. We went in 2020 and enjoyed it very much, which you can see our video below.
The Orchid Show and Sale will be held at the St. George Botanical Garden in the Great Hall. There will be hundreds of orchids on display, raffles, and orchids for sale. If you would like to join the Orchid Society’s Facebook Group, click here and request to join the private group. For their public page, click here.
#orchids #stcroixorchidsociety #americanorchidsociety #nature #flowers #caribbean #orchidsale #growers