Agrifest 2023’s focus was locally made and homegrown products. Attendees at VI’s largest agricultural festival gathered on February 18-20, at the Rudolph Shulterbrandt Agricultural Complex in Estate Lower Love, St. Croix and experienced a good sampling of food, drinks, music, clothing, and crafts made right in the territory.
Agrifest 2023 featured Farmer of the Year award presentations, prize-winning animals, games and competitions. Entertainment will include quadrille dancing by the Heritage Dancers and performances by the Ay Ay Cultural Dancers, We Deh Yah Cultural Dancers, Guardians of Culture, Mocko Jumbies, and Ay Ay Masqueraders, VIO International, Rising Stars Youth Steel Pan Orchestra, the 73rd Army Band and others. This year’s festival also honored Willard John, a master moko jumbie.
One of our favorites is the Farmer’s Market Pavilion booths which provided a wide and abundant variety of plants, flowers, produce, honey, jams, and other goods.
St Croix Source has a number of videos with interviews, the 73rd Army Band performance, the Ay Ay Cultural Dancers, a walkthrough at the Livestock Pavilion and the Farmer’s Market, and much more. We recommend you to view them here and here.

Photos taken from videos on
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