From our April 2021 St Croix Newsletter
Question: “In my home I am considering using alternative energy. What kinds of alternative energy are being used on St. Croix?”
Christie’s Answer:
Many homes are using solar water heaters. Others use solar panels to power the entire home. Some homes have back up battery storage, which provides power when the sun is not shining. As you drive around the island, you will see some wind turbines, too. Propane is often used for stoves, and sometimes for clothes dryers, and infrequently, for refrigerators. Many homes have a clothes line to take advantage of solar and wind to dry clothes.
Here are 2 great web sites for information about alternative power and how to include these options into your home:
Contact us and we will be happy help you with any additional questions!
#StCroix #Realtor #Buying #Selling #IslandLiving #Caribbean #greenenergy #alternativeenergy #solar #wind #home